Very funny, well animated and lit and that jittery movement made the mask especially creepy.
Very funny, well animated and lit and that jittery movement made the mask especially creepy.
I admit the line-work look fantastic, but please stop uploading so many teasers so frequently with very little playback time. We cannot clutter the portal with these uploads.
please blam(though seriously please upload the final product when your done, looks great).
thx, there is no final product here, working on each scene is so much time consuming combination in 24 fps fbf 2d animation mix with 3d background that have painted texture, a process that will take not less than a year or two,i thought it will be nice to share the process with you guys and maybe to have some support, but since this is the second complain, it became obvious that it's the wrong place to post a long term project wips, and i will stop posting my work until someday if i managed to finish it ...
Try looking into other media to get a sense of realistic motion. I get that this is all sprite work, but your characters should take a full second to fall at a constant rate. Gravity is much stronger and acts more exponentially than that.
This is just one example.
Thanks Brandy Buizel for the comment. This was my first ever battle animation and i know the flaws in it. Ill take what you said to heart, and I like creative criticism. but this started as a sprite animation test and i don't have too many sprites of the other chars other then the water elemental, the first character and the second character. well thanks for the comment again and i wish you a good day :D
I'm not even sure why you bothered roto-scoping. The lines are constantly inaccurate and don't add much. But even then I guess you'd just be left with hard-to-hear audio and blown out, tinted, live-action film.
Not that good.
Hm alright wise guy. @ the time I recorded this with my cannon 550d that's why audio mightn't b the best. Thanks 4 your opinion
I was surprised to really like this. Good humor and timing; the only place for improvement I see is in the puppet animation itself. Good job!
It's a really neat style. I love that everything is made up of lines, no fill, and the animation still manages to flow well.
Sometimes the title cards felt a little on the nose about what was going on or but even then there were a just a bit too frequent for my taste.
I'm glad you like the style, and I'll try to work on pacing and story for future animations. Thanks!
The audio gets louder and softer without warning, some of it is hard to understand, but I should also point out this doesn't need to be rated M for mature. Nothing here seems like it would belong in the M category. I suggest checking out other content on the site to get a better idea of where your video belongs.
The story isn't great which stinks because that's the main focus here.
The visuals are... there. It's just the same stick figures with moving mouths.
It's definitely not blam worthy, but it isn't very good.
This is a style I am persuing for random animations that I want to pump out quickly. I don't know if you've personally tried to animate anything, but animating is actually a long and drawn out process that can take weeks, months or years and since I only do this for fun in my free time, sometimes I prefer to sacrifice quality for quantity.
I make stuff; sometimes for money, but always for fun.
Age 27, Literal Magic Man
makin' a rice crispy
New Jersey
Joined on 12/30/15