just use an animated WEBP on the art portal honestly
just use an animated WEBP on the art portal honestly
Thanks! I'll do it next time for short clips.
I feel like the 'Experimental' genre tab gets misused a lot. sure you can call anything experimental, but more often than not it feels like a blanket cover for work that the creator doesn't want to classify as 'Spam'. I don't think every animation or style test needs to be uploaded, but when it does I feel like it's only appropriate to rate it fairly.
A majority of madness combat short "animation tests" get blammed before reaching the portal despite there being more interesting stuff there compared to this low poly idle. That's not to say those animation tests shouldn't be blammed, rather I believe that just because Ennuikal is a popular creator their uploads should not get to pass by default. Does the current average score of 4.4/5 stars really reflect this upload as being one of their best works?
The expectation of always receiving 5 stars can lead to more disappointment than you'd think as a creator when there are plenty of other values that can be used to say "i like this and here's why"
the background is nice, but eggman is really stiff and kind of gangly(not in his usual way)
Try taking a look at some dance videos and see how their limbs overlap in 3D space, this drawing feels like a very surface-level understanding of how the limbs move in 2D
thanks ! and ye, i could improve for another time with the right practice. tho this was more of a learning experience just to see how things are and how they work, and it being on 15 fps contributed to it. gotta start somewhere i suppose! heh
great likeness!
google what yaoi means xD
that one really got me!
cute, kind of funny
make more downshoots!
this is bad
tagged as "low-poly" instead of "low-effort"
nothing really
cool ride :)
I just wanna say I love the name Füd
The juice place next door is called Dranks'
I make stuff; sometimes for money, but always for fun.
Age 27, Literal Magic Man
makin' a rice crispy
New Jersey
Joined on 12/30/15