he's not wrong... poor italian
he's not wrong... poor italian
What ? This is sick. It's like a dude bro movie where every explosion has me wanting to high five a bro
decent world-building overall and I really appreciate keeping the hard shadows for the moon lighting, but there's a lot of weird cuts and editing choices and even though the story is simple it can be pretty confusing shot to shot what is happening. Somewhere where different compositional choices and a more reserved use of montaging might help.
appreciate it brandy, I see where ur comin from alright
cool idea, hope it goes well
creative in every sense, most of it pretty successful!
certainly is a lot of not much
love the design style and the ghost's little hair floof
awe thank you!
Tight loop, Yoshi stylin'
solid voice work, it's short but the punchline is really good xD
The voice acting at the beginning is kind of cringe, but it gets better and the second half of the toon is really interesting :)
if it was cringe then we did our job right :D
I make stuff; sometimes for money, but always for fun.
Age 27, Literal Magic Man
makin' a rice crispy
New Jersey
Joined on 12/30/15