Some of the vocal performances are pretty fun and engaging, but the audio mixing is quite bad. It's clearly leveled for headphones so playing it on speakers or in the car makes lines almost inaudible at times due to the music or the filters and reverb over the voices. That sucks because it's an audio drama, I gotta know what they're saying.
The writing can be quite bad at times. It's clear there are points when the story and dialogue is meant to be played straight and sometimes it becomes jokey like a deconstruction of the tropes in this genre, but it's not always clear when that change happens. It feels like the writers aren't totally familiar with the genre they're parodying in those moments. Character writing is also inconsistent between scenes. The use of language, attitude, and the way the characters speak change drastically in unexplainable ways. That's on the writing, not the voice actors.
I like that following a mention of a cleaning product the next ad breaking up the radio play was about the product, it silly and it works but I could do without all the interruptions personally.
Lastly, this is a whodunit... as a fan of mystery and detective stories I'm always a little disappointed when the mystery is merely an aesthetic of storytelling rather than a puzzle that asks the reader/listener to participate and speculate
P.s. facade is pronounced "fuh-sod" lawl