I'm sad this will all be over soon
I'm sad this will all be over soon
And then, I'll will never draw or animate again.
I'm always amazed at how much you can pack into your gifs with NG limits.
Though I suppose flat colors help. Nice work!
Even then, the NG limit is nothing compared to the Tumblr/Facebook limit I have to handle as well! It's soooooo limited.
And thanks! <o/
So THAT'S what an Over-Dose looks like to the user,
love the idea, really spices up the catalog for Goretober
Maybe? I wouldn't be sure, hahaha. And thanks!
Mystical eyes, I'm entranced
Totally realistic eyes.
Solid stuff...well gooey stuff inside. I really like how you made all of the innards neatly fit together. Great anatomy work!
""""anatomy"""", hahaha. I was like "yeah, yeah. There's a bone there, I think".
Great leading lines to the center, really surprises you when the eyes pop open
Good! Those eyes were sooooo unplanned, I'm happy you think it works!
New Favorite!
He must be delicious, I'm getting thirsty watching
He tastes like strawberry! :D
No, it's a lie, he tastes like old plain blood,
Great style mimicry. I also love this show
I"m just a copycat, hahaha.
What predicament. Great work on upside down hair, also those suture are immaculate. My money's on a surgeon serial killer.
Ha surgeon serial killer... keeping his victims alive for as long as possible while torturing them... mmmh.
Looks really rad, solid loop and very unnerving. Reminds me of the cascading chains transition in Phoenix Wright when you have to interrogate a liar.
HA! I looove this transition in Phoenix Wright. I'm sure I was unconsciously influenced by it, now that you point it out, hahaha.
I make stuff; sometimes for money, but always for fun.
Age 27, Literal Magic Man
makin' a rice crispy
New Jersey
Joined on 12/30/15