Who is that? What's her story? Why do I already love her? Tell us Trystan!
Who is that? What's her story? Why do I already love her? Tell us Trystan!
The person who crated the collab asked me to draw her! I don't know anything from her! :'D
She looks marvelous, great design and sweet rim lighting, keep it up!
Thanks! :)
I love it, concept and colors on point. That green compliments the browns very well and a hot air balloon jetpack!?! GENIUS
Thanks a lot! Hahaha, some people told me they thought a bright red was better than the turquoise, but... I do prefer those colors. :'>
Looks like you got the character down right. Hard to focus on the art when all I can think about is how wonderful that short was.
I KNOW, this short was amazing. :D
Downright gorgeous lightning.
The soft shadows and reflections make this piece feel incredibly real but the brush strokes on the leaves an trees make it feel as though it was painted practically on canvas. Overall a great location, setting and color composition.
The artstation process is really interesting, I definitely recommend watching it.
The infinite cape is a rad concept. You seem to be pumping out really unique ideas along with great art in this series, I love it!
Hahaha, thanks! It's kinda my goal, I try to make my own interpretation of each class. It's fun!
The brown and green color combo look fantastic on your mascot. I love the concept behind the mage portals making him such a lethal weapon. His eyes look fierce though I wonder if his movements in each arm are mirrored by each portal-arm or if they all act like separate instances.
Cute bird.
I'd say he could control some sort of lag in each weapon, so that they attack one after the other. Weird magic logic, y'know. (and thanks!)
I think you captured this feeling perfectly. I think making the character so small in such a large canvas was a great decision reinforcing the theme of emptiness.
I often draw small characters in giants weird formats... recurring theme... mmh.
I'm not sure what lives in that habitat, but I can say it has a nice, subtle contrast and gestalt approach.
Monochromatic backgrounds have a special place in my heart; they look great without stealing the viewer's focus from animated subjects(if it's used in that way of course). The undetailed look given by the individual scribbles add to that effect even more so.
Great swamp background. The blue-green water is perfectly murky and the hotter colors in the background make for an eerie fog.
I make stuff; sometimes for money, but always for fun.
Age 27, Literal Magic Man
makin' a rice crispy
New Jersey
Joined on 12/30/15