hole E shit
hole E shit
stunning vista
If I favorited art pieces this would be in my favorites
I adore these bugs, what a wonderful bunch.
reminds me of the cast's energy in the flower found short by @aap
this is just plain GORGEOUS
This is bombastic!
Very cool figures
It's a bold choice not to show his face here, his expression is iconic but with that knowledge of what's behind the hair makes your composition striking. I'd like a little more detail in the hair personally since it takes up so much space but this works well
i like the flames and the motion with the flow of the lines. i like the sharper lines and the larger less detailed strokes being used to make the trees out of focus, but somehow the trees in the top left corner keep drawing my eye when they probably shouldn't
Thank you for the cool feedback, and i agree about that tree, i made it darker many times trying to make stand out less but i think the problem might be that it's aligned with the dude's body
it's so evocative and painterly and i really like what you've done
but including the screenshot in the description to compare i think it's frankly amazing that they conveyed her emotions here perfectly with just dot eyes. i'm getting a different emotion from your rendition and i really like both
I make stuff; sometimes for money, but always for fun.
Age 27, Literal Magic Man
makin' a rice crispy
New Jersey
Joined on 12/30/15